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Toxic Substance Control Act Information

The Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA), administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), was established to ensure that the human health and environmental effects of chemical substances are identified and properly controlled prior to placing these materials into commerce (Fact Sheet). Although research laboratories such as those found at Duke University are exempted from many of the requirements of this act, certain provisions still apply. The following information will help you determine which sections of this act apply to your lab's activities and provide you with the information and training you need to meet your obligations under the EPA's Toxic Substance Control Act.

Please reveiw the TSCA Implementation and Compliance Guide to see how your laboratory activities are impacted by TSCA. The TSCA Applicability Form has been incorporated into the Targeted Chemical Reporting Survey.  The five TSCA applicability questions at the end of the survey will determine your TSCA compliance requirements.  If your Laboratory answers “yes” to any of the questions, an email follow up will be sent from OESO EP informing you of the steps your laboratory must take to be in compliance with the TSCA regulations. If you have any questions about how TSCA may apply to your laboratory, contact Duke's TSCA Coordinator by calling or emailing the Occupational and Environmental Safety Office (919-684-2794) or

If you are involved in commercial activities, work at the pilot plant scale, or are using chemical substances in activities other than teaching, clinical or research laboratories, provisions other than those described on this site may apply. Contact the OESO EP TSCA Coordinator (email) for assistance in assessing your obligations under the EPA's Toxic Substance Control Act.
