Emergency Response - Incident Reporting
- Quick reference - phone numbers and links
- Fire Procedures
- Biological Exposures and Spills
- Chemical Exposures and Spills
- Natural Gas Leak
- Radiological Exposures and Spills
- Personal Injury
- Utilities/Maintenance
- Weather & other emergencies
PRINTABLE copy of the Emergency Response & Incident Reporting Guide
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Quick Reference - Phone numbers and links
- Emergency/Fires - 911
- Duke Police/Security
- Campus phones - 911
- Cell phone or Off Campus - (919) 684-2444
- Durham HazMat (Off-campus spills) - 911
- Exposure Hotline (biological, chemical, radiological) - (919) 684-8115
- Employee Occupational Health & Wellness (EOHW) - (919) 684-3136
- Poison Control - (800) 222-1222
- Corporate Risk Management - (919) 684-6226
- Workers’ Compensation - (919) 684-6693
- Occupational & Environmental Safety - (919) 684-2794
- Report work-related injuries & illnesses