Point of Care Testing SDSs
Material Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for the Point of Care Testing program are available at this site. Simply click on the product name to see that product's SDS. Remember to print out a hard copy for your SDS Book.
Note: Hydrion test papers (Micro Essential Laboratory) and Nitrazine paper (Bristol-Myers Squibb) are both considered "articles" as defined by OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard. Therefore, SDSs are not required for these products.
Point of Care Testing SDSs
- Gastroccult Developer (Beckman Coulter)
- Hemocue Cuvette Hemoglobin (Hemocue)
- Hemoccult SENSA Developer (Beckman Coulter)
- Multistix 10 SG (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics)
- QuickVue + One-Step hCG Combo (Quidel Corporation)
- DCA Vantage Hemoglobin A1c Testing - (the SDS for all components of this kit can be found here)
- Eurotrol
- NOVA Stat Strip Glucose Testing Strips
- NOVA Stat Strip Glucose Linearity Solutions
- NOVA Stat Strip Glucose Control Solution Level 1
- NOVA Stat Strip Glucose Control Solution Level 3
- Roche CoaguChek XS PT Controls
- Roche CoaguChek PT Test Strips