Fieldwork is...
- Class outings to Duke Forest,
- Research cruises to study marine biodiversity,
- Clinical work in a field hospital set up after a natural disaster,
- And many other Duke-authorized activities conducted by faculty, staff, students, or authorized volunteers at locations away from Duke’s main campus or other Duke buildings. (See the full definition in the Fieldwork Safety Policy.)

Fieldwork Risks:
- Isolated or remote locations
- Extreme weather
- Hazardous terrain
- Harmful wildlife
- Lack of access to emergency services
These conditions and some of the activities undertaken during fieldwork can expose participants to significant risks to their health and/or safety.
Fieldwork Policy and Resources:
The Fieldwork Safety Policy is intended to minimize health and safety risks associated with fieldwork. This policy
- Requires a risk assessment in advance of fieldwork activities and
- Clearly defines the responsibilities of those involved in planning and carrying out fieldwork activities.
The other resources linked from the above menu are provided to help fieldwork activity leaders to prepare in advance for health and safety concerns that might be encountered during fieldwork.

Fieldwork Risks