Waste Pickup Training & Tutorials
Training and tutorial for the online Waste Pickup Request System
This web based system will allow you to request both chemical and radioactive waste pickups. To get started, your lab must be entered into the Laboratory Safety Management System. You are in the system already if your lab has been evaluated by Lab Safety. If your lab has not been evaluated or if you are not a laboratory, please contact Environmental Programs at 919-684-2794 to be added to the system.
First time users to the system must be either the Principal Investigator or the Laboratory Contact/Manager for the lab. Once in the system, they can add contacts and choose what tasks that person can do, on behalf of the laboratory. For example, if the lab manager is not the person who is in charge of submitting the chemical waste for the lab, the system will enable the lab manager to add that person. The person will then have access to the system and be able to submit chemical waste.
New chemical and radioactive barcodes must be ordered to use the system.
Below are training videos that will explain the system. Click the play button to start videos.
You may also view these videos in the system. It will be available by clicking the "Need Help?" button.
New User Training
ChemWaste Pickups Training
Advanced ChemWaste Pickups Training
RadWaste Pickups Training