Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
Quick Links
- Recombinant DNA registration form
- Plasmid/Vector table
- SOP template for BSL2/ABSL2 Labs
- NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules
- IPHP template with IDS procedures
- IBC response to IRB amendments
The mission of the IBC is to ensure that all recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules research conducted at the institution or sponsored by the institution is conducted in compliance with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules (NIH Guidelines). The purpose of the NIH Guidelines is to specify the practices for constructing and handling:
- Recombinant nucleic acid molecules
- Synthetic nucleic acid molecules, including those that are chemically or otherwise modified but can base pair with naturally occurring nucleic acid molecules
- Cells, organisms, and viruses containing such molecules
IBC Members
The Duke IBC membership includes individuals representing a variety of scientific disciplines. This diverse group was selected to provide the appropriate oversight of the various types of rDNA research conducted at Duke. If you are interested in joining the IBC or have questions, please feel free to contact
The current IBC Co-Chairs are:
Dr. Richard Frothingham | Dr. Matthew Stiegel
IBC Meetings
Guidance & Policies
External Resources
NIH FAQs for Research on Genetically Modified (Transgenic) Animals