Tuberculosis & Other Airborne Pathogens
Quick Links
- TB ECP for Hospital
- Respiratory Protection Policy for DUHS
- Appendix C - Airborne Isolation Rooms
- Appendix D - Airborne Isolation Rooms Instructions
Airborne pathogens are infectious agents capable of being transmitted through the air and transmitting disease. Bacteria or viruses are spread into the air when an infected person coughs, speaks, or sings. A nearby person then breathes in the aerosols and can become sick. A well-known example of an airborne pathogen is Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is the causative bacteria of tuberculosis. In order to prevent the spread of airborne diseases, Duke has implemented a combination of engineering and administrative controls, as well as increased PPE requirements for hospital staff, researchers, and support staff who may be exposed to airborne pathogens. These mitigation measures and post-exposure procedures are outlined in the Exposure Control Plans.
Contact Information
- Exposure Hotline: 115 (from a Duke phone); 919-684-8115 (from a non-Duke phone)
- Biosafety: 919-684-8822;
- DUH IP: 919-684-5457; 919-970-9721 (pager)
- DRH IP: 919-470-7171; 7171 (pager)
- DRaH IP: 919-954-3166; 919-206-3311 (pager)
- PDC IP: 919-613-4022;
- DPC IP: 919-896-2428