Biological Safety Cabinet Certification Policy
Biological Safety Cabinet (Class II) Certification Policy Duke University
Class II Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs) must be certified:
- Annually for use of infectious agents or human-derived material
- At least every 2 years for use of cabinet for sterility purposes, i.e., no infectious agents, no human-derived material. (Recommended annually, however)
- When relocating or installing a BSC.
A gas decontamination of the BSC shall be performed prior to certification if the cabinet is used for work with an agent capable of being spread via the airborne route (e.g., Mycobacterium tuberculosis).
Precision Air Technology, Inc. is Duke's preferred vendor for BSC certifications. They may be reached at 919-212-1300. All outside vendors must be approved by the Duke Procurement and Supply Chain Management prior to testing Duke equipment.
Call Biological Safety (919-684-8822) for information regarding certification procedures.